
What is this craziness?

If you stumbled over this blog and wonder what this table top / wargaming hobby is all about please have  a look here. Some people enjoy the painting aspect of this hobby, others love to create terrain or elaborate dioramas and others again are very much into story telling or history. The hobby is as diverse as it gets, spanning High Fantasy, Science Fiction and historical conflicts.

Why another wargaming blog?

I am quite active in some German and English forums (nicknames “Dareios” and “Peithetairos”), but was always frustrated that a forum – while excellent for comments and constructive criticism – does not supply a good platform to showcase and archive ongoing and completed projects in one place. After a couple of weeks topics disappear and looking for some of my older posts turned into a tedious exercise.

Thus I created this blog to have a central place to present and archive my creations. Have a look around and I hope you find something of interest. You will find tutorials for building wargaming terrain, photographs of painted miniatures, reviews of historical and fantasy miniatures both in 15mm and 28mm scale and general wargaming related articles.

All photographs on this blog (if not indicated differently) were made by me and I would kindly ask you to inform me if you would like to use one on your blog or website and refer back to my blog.

There and back again – My way into miniature gaming

I started out with a box of the Warhammer game by Games Workshop. It had some lizardmen and Breton knights, a rulebook and background information about the gaming world. I remember reading the books over and over, painting the miniatures multiple times, never quite satisfied when I compared them to the display pieces pictured in the books. In the end I never played a game of Warhammer and sold the stuff, but I was taken by this hobby.

After a longer brake I ventured into the Confrontation skirmish game. Beautiful miniatures, only a handful of miniatures per side and fun rules. After Rackham ceased to exist I was content with painting miniatures, but got also involved with  a local wargaming club focusing on 28mm historicals. Money and space prevented me from fully committing to the scale and so I turned back to painting sporadically.

Three years ago I decided to start out again and purchased my first 15mm army, followed by a bucket load of 28mm Bones miniatures. I began to paint the army, created matching terrain pieces, played more than I ever did before and really fell in love with this hobby again.

Terrain creation really became my focus the last few years (especially trees) and while I still paint miniatures I really enjoy building terrain pieces for myself and as commission pieces, but what I love most is to write tutorials for the community, so that everyone can enjoy a game with stunning terrain.

This blog is the perfect platform to publish such tutorials, but I plan to venture forth and make videos on YouTube and Twitch to show you some of my techniques that are hard to capture in writing or in a photo.

11 thoughts on “About”

    1. At long last the answers to your questions can be found on my blog. Thanks again for nominating me. There are some good blogs and posts I link to, so check them out and get inspired. 🙂


  1. Fantastic blog – keep it up! Always been a fan of table-top wargaming but never had the patience to sit down and paint the figures! At least, I can follow your posts and still enjoy it 🙂


    1. Thank you! Glad you like the blog. If you want to give it a try and not paint much, there are plenty Skirmish Games out there, where you need around 10-15 miniatures to have a full war band. For starters blocking in the base colours and a wash to bring out the details is sufficient and you can game straight away.


  2. Being on holiday, I’ve had a bit of time to browse your blog than usual, and have to say that it is even better than I thought from my previous brief visits. In fact, I’m now going to have to set aside an undisturbed hour or so to read back in detail through some of your posts that have particularly caught my eye.


    1. Dear arteis. Thank you for your flattering comment. I am glad you like the content on my blog. I sure enjoy reading your stuff (and found your article on NZ Wars most interesting). I hope that I will have in some point as diverse a selection of posts as your blog has.


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Miniature painting, wargaming terrain tutorials, reviews, interviews and painting guides